Answer Yes (Y) or No (N) to the
following questions. Keep a count on 'yes' & no’s
Y N You’ve tried more than one new investment strategy this
Y N Feel you’re buying and selling funds at the wrong time
Y N Rarely open up to anybody for feedback about your losses
Y N Subscribe to two or more newsletters, feel overwhelmed
Y N Can count on one hand all the good laughs this week
Y N Have a lingering resentment about someone or something
Y N You love cable news, but need more time to trade
Y N Rarely break a sweat when exercising the past few weeks
Y N Wonder whether you bet too much on recent investments
Y N Need more than three caffeine and alcohol drinks a day
Y N Feel “something” keeps you from making more money
Y N Frequently don’t trust your instincts or your strategy
Y N You’ve had a major family or personal loss recently
Y N Believe losses are caused by the market manipulators
Y N You’re overweight and snack often on comfort food
Y N Fear your future trades may fail due to a losing streak
Y N Diet and sleep are disturbed by worries about money
Y N Your retirement portfolio’s not growing fast enough
Y N No vacation in a year, and lack an active social life
Y N Nothing (or everything) interferes with making money
If the total number of ‘yes’ is six
or more, then it is time to look for a coach or even look for an alternative to
this profession. Take a break and go on
a holiday trip with your family.
Have you downloaded the e-book
titled “Introduction to algorithmic & high frequency trading”? Most stock
market traders say “sh… I bought at the highest price” or “As soon I sold, it
reversed”. If you are one among those,
you certainly need to download the e-book. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Thanks to: Market Watch and Mr. Paul B. Farrell.
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